Happy New Year!
I know it is late, but I returned from holidays on 7th. So I pretend it is OK. :p
Although it is already January, I continue the entries of 'Balti Triangle Walk' of December.
Adil, one of the oldest establishments in Balti Triangle, is open in Ladypool Road, while the premises in Stoney Lane is in refurbishment. It is a good idea to refurbish, as it looked really shabby standing next to the shiny Al Faisal.
I noticed a new fast food shop called Thrill Grill. I don't remember what was here before.

In Balti Triangle, there is a tendency that the old style balti houses get closed down and this type of fast food shop style kebab houses (which usually offers also balti) keep on popping up.
And I found also this newly opened Dipyum Cake shop.

It sells egg free cakes.
But, if you do not not egg alergy (I don't think it is particularly common), why do you want egg free cake? I saw another egg-free cake shop in Cape Hill. I guess there is some religious significance which, however, escapes me.